CompostSignage Lochmere 12x18 copy


Lochmere Community Compost is a food waste drop-off program designed to make it easy for enrolled residents to compost their kitchen waste, diverting it from the landfill and building nutrient rich soil. Approximately 58 families are participating in the program, which began on April 2, 2024, with hauling services from CompostNow. Keep reading for details on how to sign up and join your neighbors!
As of January 1, our Lochmere Community Compost Drop-Off participants have collected 16,105 pounds of compostable material. That is over 8 tons of waste, diverted from the landfill, now going to create almost 1,600 pounds of finished product compost.

As of June 1, our Lochmere Community Compost Drop-Off participants have collected 2,816 pounds of compostable material. That is nearly 1.5 tons of waste, diverted from the landfill, instead going to create almost 300 pounds of finished product compost.

compost First week collection at main Lochmere

Lochmere's compost program was featured in the May edition of Cary Matters. Check it out HERE. Lochmere is mentioned at the 4:10 mark.

Compost collection carts are located near the HOA office (502 Lochmere Drive) and the Highlands Rec Club (200 Loch Highlands Drive), for use by residents who have enrolled in the program. These black carts are for organic material only, not trash or recyclables. Please help us keep contamination out of these carts.

compost drop off

 To learn more about the program, including logistics, fees, and how to be added to the waiting list, please view the attached informational document and complete the Google Form. For questions about Lochmere’s Community Compost Drop-Off, please email Megan Holler at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you are not a pilot family, but would like to start composting now, please consider backyard composting, signing up for Compost Now service, or using one of the Town of Cary or Wake County Food Waste Recycling Drop-Offs for free! For general information about composting, please visit

pizza cart

Although the pools ae closed for the season, Lochmere will continue to collect EMPTY pizza boxes from Lochmere residents for composting, year round. 
The blue cart will remain outside the Lochwood pool gate for your use. Please remove all liners and “pizza savers”.  NO TRASH!

As you know, pizza boxes are NOT RECYCLABLE in Cary. Please don’t place them in your recycling cart. Instead, empty them and place them in Lochmere's pizza box collection cart! You do not have to be a member of the Lochmere Community Compost Drop-Off to use the Pizza Box Collection Cart, but we do encourage you to consider joining.

Questions about either program? Let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

pizza cart


Coming to the Lochwood Pool this summer…a pizza box collection cart!  The cart has already arrived. Pizza boxes will be composted. Please remove all liners and “pizza savers”.  NO TRASH!

As you know, pizza boxes are NOT RECYCLABLE in Cary. Please don’t place them in the pool’s green carts. Instead, empty them and place them in the new pizza box collection cart! Questions? Let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You'll also soon notice new signage on the recycling carts at the pools. While all commingled items are generally accepted, we want to focus on plastic bottles and aluminum cans while at the pools. Pizza boxes are NOT recyclable in Cary, so please do not place them in the recycling carts! Instead, at the Lochwood Pool, please use the blue Pizza Box Collection Cart. Pizza boxes need to be emptied of trash, as they will be composted.