house picture

The Lochmere Architecture Committee (Lochmere AC) is currently in the process of updating the Lochmere Architectural Standards and Specifications (LASS) including amendments and changes to the Architecture Request process, information and forms.
The Committee, the specification and process were put in place and are designed to serve the Lochmere community in order to “… maintain and promote consistent standards while remaining open-minded to changes in our neighbor’s and our lifestyles.”
The current LASS states: “Homeowner suggestions for process improvements are welcomed and will be promptly considered by the Committee and Lochmere HOA Board”. (LASS v5.0 art I para 3).
To this end, the Lochmere AC has established a Google Group to collect feedback from the Lochmere homeowners between 25 Oct 2024 and Jan 31, 2025.  Please see LASS UPDATE - 2025 for details.

stay informed


The LHOA Board is very pleased with the response from our residents for our 2024 survey.  We received over 400 responses and 66 pages of comments from this survey.

The Board wishes to respond back to several comments/questions with information and detail answers. Over the next few months you will be receiving a summary of responses to these comments/questions to help you keep informed of the Board's focus on the main areas of concern.

First up are comments on assessments, voiced by several residents. 

  • "I do not use the pool, the tennis nor pickleball courts." " I also don't have convenient use of the lakes." "I feel I am subsidizing other households in Lochmere." "I would rather see a per use fee paid by the users of these facilities than have my HOA subsidize them." "I have no issue with paying for landscaping and trails, but why should I pay for upkeep for facilities I don't/can't use as readily as others (e.g. those who live on the lakes.)"

After his analysis, Board Treasurer, Joe Jones, has put together some very informative and detailed information which the Board hopes that all residents will review.  A detailed response is available HERE.  The three primary reasons for our current assessment process are:

(1) The LHOA covenants stipulate that everyone pays a uniform rate within Lochmere. These covenants are available at or in the above linked document.

(2) Taxes in general and Wake County property taxes specifically are collected from everyone for a variety of uses regardless whether that taxpayer actually uses them. The secondary and primary school system consume over 50% of these property taxes and are collected regardless of whether the taxpayer has anyone attending school. Please see the detailed response for more information on Wake County property taxes.

(3) There is great value in living in Lochmere. The linked document has a chart that tracks the value index for the past several years. Any real estate agent will verify that the amenities available to all in Lochmere contribute to the overall value of our community.

Thanks for your participation in the survey as it greatly assists the Board in many decisions. 

Please direct any questions or concerns to your Board at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

waverly place


The Lochmere Board of Directors would like to update the community on the Waverly Place Rezoning.

The owner/developer of Waverly Place has asked Lochmere to post an informational video about the Waverly Place Rezoning.  You can view the video HERE.

The Lochmere Board appointed the Lakes Chair, David Purks, to be the spokesperson in talks with Hines, the owners of Waverly Place, on stormwater control measures.

As previously shared with the community, the Lochmere Board's focus is on working with Waverly Place on reducing stormwater affecting our common areas.  Discussions on stormwater control are ongoing.