Lochmere's Master Covenants were established in 1984, creating the community association along with the specific financial, maintenance and enforcement procedures that each homeowner must follow (deed restrictions); roles and responsibilities of the Association board members, committees and property manager; and rules for Lochmere common area usage and maintenance. These same covenants describe the mandatory assessments to ensure that our neighborhoods conform to a standard of value, beauty and friendliness that typifies life in Lochmere.
Key sections of the Master Covenants include Common Area Ownership and Maintenance, Land Use, Architectural Control, Membership and Voting Rights, Assessments, Easements, Annexation of Additional Properties, and General Provisions. Amendments to the covenants require 90% vote of approval from association members. If you feel that a covenant is being violated, please report it to your This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. immediately.
If you are looking for guidelines on architectural, structural or landscaping changes to your property, please check the Lochmere Architectural Standards and Specifications.